Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday Letters

Dear Madeline,
You are such a sweetheart and I love you. You always seem to know these amazing adult things to say. The other day I told you that I wasn't feeling well because I had to stop taking my allergy meds to be retested and couldn't take them for several days. You got this concerned look on your face and said "That must be really hard to feel bad for days. Is there anything I can do to make it easier?" Then the next day I asked you to help me move the dining room table so that I could start emptying the laundry room for renovation and after you said "Mom, it's great to do the kitchen and all but we need to make sure that we're thinking about God more than we are the new kitchen." Sigh. Princess, you are nine, not thirty-nine! Your heart has always been that of an older soul. You are wise beyond your years and I can only pray... desperately... that it will continue when you're a teenager!

Dear Gavin,
Not long ago you lost your first tooth. It was quite a deal too. You were just wiggling it and out it popped, started bleeding and you FREAKED! It made my heart overflow that what you wanted to make you feel better was for your mommy to rock you and read a book. This past week you had two baseball games and it was really fun to watch you yesterday... the first one was cold and windy and I don't do cold and windy well so I watched you from the car with Madeline for the last half. Today you learned a very difficult lesson. A while back you broke something of Madeline's and we told you that you'd have to pay for it. Today... because your parents are terrible about remembering to pay you your commission regularly... you got several weeks' worth and had to begin paying her. We talked more about consequences, debt and responsibility. You seemed to understand and chose to be responsible. Madeline gave you a sweet hug and told you "it's ok Buddy" and my heart melted. I do love the way you guys love each other.

Dear Chris,
Thank you for the trees that I bought myself for Mother's day! lol I love them and I appreciate that you don't get mad at me when I do things like like buy the trees that you said might have to wait. Seriously though, they were really cheap! Thank you for working out THE PERFECT BREAKFAST QUESADILLA!!!!! You have perfected it. You know what I like in my breakfast like nobody's business and it makes me fall in love with you all over again every time!

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