About Dorinda

Hello and Welcome!  I am Dorinda.  I am totally intimidated about this whole "about me" page.  I mean, seriously, how do I cover in a paragraph or two who I am and sound witty, clever, intelligent and yet humble?  Alas, I have absolutely no idea, so here I am... vanity and all!

I'm a wife... a mom... a daughter... a sister... a friend... a student... a teacher... Every day I love something about my life.  It sounds corney but I really do.  I love my morning coffee but only with lots of good tasting stuff in it because I don't really like coffee.  I love to wake up early each morning to read my bible, except for the mornings I just keep hitting the snooze button.  I do my best to eat healthy but every once in a while I just can't drive past Culver's without a mushroom and swiss burger.  I LOVE sushi... best food ever!  I really think that I could eat it every day... for every meal... unless I'm needing a mushroom and swiss burger! 

I love my husband.  I think he's the smartest best-looking man I've ever met and truly believe God made him just for me.  I have the two coolest kids on earth.  I'm sorry if that just burst your bubble because you thought yours were the coolest.  I'm sure they're cool but... WOW!  Mine really blow me away!  :) On a regular basis they each say the most profound things and it amazes me.  I seriously cannot believe that God chose me to get to hang out with them! 

What I love most in life is my dearest friend.  His name is Jesus and He is why I breathe.  I adore being able to look back over the valleys and peaks of my life and see His providential fingerprints all over it.  He has carried me through valleys and lifted me out of pits that, outside of His grace, I couldn't even mention out loud.  I love His word and believe that it is the guidebook for life... especially parenthood.  I hold Deuteronomy 6:5-7 especially close to my heart as a mother.  "Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.  These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."  I am also always drawn to Matthew 28:19, "Therefore go and make disciples." 

So, if you've made it all the way to the bottom of this page, you might just be in for reading this from time to time.  I just pray that as you do, you see whatever it is that God wants you to see.  I promise to be honest, transparent and truthful to what Christ has taught me.  As you walk each day, I pray 2 Peter 3:18 for you.  I pray that you would grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.