Friday, April 27, 2012

2011 Lessons... Last Installment

Things I learned... #3

You know how you hear about something the very first time and you get all excited? 

You promise yourself that you'll never forget about it...  You'll never go back to the way things were...

and then a few days go by... 
and then a few more days... 
and the next thing you know... 
you've forgotten all about that excitement and that commitment... 

or it is just me that does that?  

I confess that I have ALWAYS had issues with commitment.  From dating to my major(s) in college to my master's degree that doesn't match my bachelor's degree that doesn't match my current career choice... commitment is not easy for me but it is so totally important!  The third and final (I think) thing that I learned in 2011 is that:

"What we are committed to will be what makes us."  

Our pastor, Terry Sanderson, said those words a few weeks ago and I've referred to it several times in the last week.  I'm that nerdy girl that takes notes during the sermon and I'm sooo glad I do because five minutes after I walk out, I can usually only remember bits and pieces of the wisdom that is shared and that little nugget, that I probably wouldn't have remembered if I hadn't written it down, has given me new resolve.  The third thing I learned in 2011 is to be intentional about the kinds of things I want in my life.

I will choose those things to which I commit myself very carefully and I will be fully devoted to them.  

Have you really thought about what you're committed to in life?  I encourage you to think about this.  It's so easy to go with the flow... see what happens... or as one of my beautiful sisters says "fly by the seat of your pants" but even those of us who enjoy being a little less structured need to have some boundaries or we'll find ourselves overcommitted to things that may not add anything to our life or anyone else's life.  For that matter, they might just suck the life right out of us!  We ARE committed to something in life... whether we realize it or not.  

What are you committed to?  Are you a commit-o-phobe like me?  When you think about the person you want to be, what change would you have to commit to making?  

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