Thursday, February 10, 2011

In the process of understanding

Wow! A week just flies by around here! I got some great emails about the Lifestyle post and I’m excited about that! Just to let you all know I’d love to get some comments on here as well. So feel free to do that at the bottom of a post.

I mentioned in the last post that there was a second part of my friend’s question. I covered the “Do you and Gavin discuss the scripture he reads? The next part was:

Does he understand what he’s reading?

The most honest answer is he’s in the process of understanding. There are days that he understands what he’s reading and days that he doesn’t. What he always understands, however, is that what he’s reading is God’s word and that it’s true.

I look at it like this, Gavin is five and there are some things he is capable of understanding and some things he isn’t. I don’t always know in advance what he’ll understand but quite honestly, both of my kids have surprised me with understanding concepts long before I thought they could. While a two year old is not likely to pick up a book and be able to read the book, he probably knows that the book is meant to be read. It’s a basic element that they’ve learned because someone presented them with a concept they weren’t able to grasp yet but as time went by, that child began to understand that you’re supposed to pick up a book and tell a story. Later that same child will begin to realize that the story has something to do with the shapes on the pages. After a while longer the child will understand that those shapes that we call letters stand for a particular sound, then he'll puts those sounds together to make words and eventually sentences that he can understand.

Kids understanding scripture works the exact same say… actually, my own understanding of scripture works the same way. The first time I read something in scripture I may not get the point at all but as I think about it, hear other people’s thoughts on it, pray about it, experience it... then I gain understanding of new concepts. Just like learning to read is based on the layering of one small concept upon the next, understanding scripture is the same. Take a look at this video and I’ll explain a bit further:

In my and Madeline’s NIV bibles 1 John 1:9, the verse Gavin read and Madeline explained, reads like this:

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and

purify us from all unrighteousness.

In Gavin’s NIRV(New International Reader’s Version) it reads like this:

But God is faithful and fair. If we admit that we have sinned, he will forgive us our sins.

He will forgive every wrong thing we have done. He will make us pure.

Either way, the meaning is the same but their understanding is dependent upon prior teaching of concepts like: Who is God? What is sin? Why is sin a big deal? Why does sin separate us from God? What is faithful? What is just or fair?

If they don’t understand what these things are then this verse wouldn’t make sense to them at all. In the particular case of my kids, we’ve discussed all of these things so the field of untouched pure white snow getting yucked up by the tromping of kids being similar to our lives being yucked up by sin makes sense to them in a very basic level. Do they, however, understand that sometimes sin seems fun just like playing in the snowy field is fun but both bear consequences? I’m sure they don’t but it's an analogy that we'll continue to refer to as teachable moments occur. And for the record, the consequences of good old fashioned playing in the snow do not compare in a literal way to the consequences of sin so please don’t get all up in arms thinking I’m minimizing sin or that I think playing in the snow is bad. I am the first one out there sledding down the hill and even got a bloody lip in a snowball fight with my boy this year!

It’s about giving the kids a visual of something pure white being transformed to something impure. It's about the fact that they are physically unable to do anything to retain that purity of that snow because they need to understand that there is nothing they can do to be pure themselves. It is only through the acceptance of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, the confession that he is Lord and true repentance that we can be forgiven and purified. Our forgiveness and purification isn't because of us but because God is faithful. I’m certain that my kids don’t really get all of that just yet... but they are in the process.

At this point I have presented a concept to them that, at their current maturity level, they cannot fully understand. I know that there is no point in making them sit and listen to me give explanation after explanation. No matter what I say or do, they may not get it at this point... just like that two year old will not in one sitting learn how to read a book.

So... What I do at this point is wait…

I wait for a teachable moment. I have to pay attention, be present and willing to take the time wherever this occurs. Whenever they sin, I talk to them about it, I remind them of this verse and they pray. Then I tell them that they’re restored to God and are brand new and I treat them that way! Just like I mentioned in my last post, it isn’t about an activity or one conversation. It’s a lifestyle.

Does Gavin understand what he’s reading? He’s in the process… and so am I!

Have a blessed day and don't forget that I'd love to read your comments!

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