Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Had a bad day...

So, not every day around here is perfect... Actually, the number of perfect days are quite few but I try really hard not to whine just for the sake of whining or even just to get attention.  I gotta say, however, that today is a day that I really wanted to make one of those "having a bad day.,.." posts on Facebook.  However, because I'm always annoyed at the attention seeking of those posts, I refrained.  It was really hard though.  Totally had to walk away from my phone more than once.  Yet, I'm here blogging about it and seeking attention... but the attention isn't for me.

So, here's my day...

The kids and I had a fairly productive morning... delivered Bear Necessities bags, went for a walk, went to the library and finished our bible study lesson around 11 a.m.  At that time I asked them to play for a while so that I could get some editing finished and promised to fix lunch at noon.  I logged onto the computer and did not get even one image edited before I heard the familiar sound of screaming coming from upstairs.  After proper assessment of the situation, it was clear that (as usual) both were in the wrong.  So, we talked about it and then gave them the promised consequence... cleaning the baseboards.  They were told to both do the playroom and then their own rooms. 

Seriously, this would take less than ten minutes and I know that because that's how long it took Madeline.  Gavin, on the other hand, threw himself on the floor... screamed... cried... complained about it not being fair... told me it was "the worst day EVER!"... So, Gavin also got the privilege of doing the baseboards in their bathroom and finally after just an absolutely stupid amount of whining, my and Chris' room.  The majority of the crying was done in his room and by the time he got to the bathroom and my room, he was finished in less than ten minutes but as usual, we had to get all the objections out there first. 

By this time it's noon...  time for lunch, so I put a pizza in the oven for the kids and began chopping vegetables for myself.  Now, I haven't announced this yet but I've recently been put on a gluten free diet and I REALLY wanted some pizza but I was putting my best foot forward, trying to be a trooper and kept on with my veggies and my smile.  Gavin finished his lunch and asked if he could get some chips and salsa.  As he enthusiastically grabbed the jar of salsa out of the frig and whipped it around, loudly proclaiming his love for salsa, he whipped just a little too much and it crashed on the tile floor... glass and salsa from one side of the room to the other... beautiful white cabinets covered in salsa.  Nice. Somehow. I maintained my cool.  It WAS an accident after all...

I get the kids out of the kitchen without stepping on glass... get the salsa all cleaned up... FINALLY get my fish cooked... the last piece of tilapia in the house... place it on the plate next to the freshly chopped mango salsa and walk into my office to FINALLY get some work accomplished... sat down and realized that I wanted a few tortilla chips to complete my lunch... go to the kitchen to go get them... came back to find...


So, it's three hours later... no work done.... no lunch... 

                         STARVING AND CRAZY FRUSTRATED!!!

So, I did what any mature woman would do, I sat myself down on the couch to cry!

Sitting there I remembered the words of Jesus "Man cannot live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."  I got on my knees and prayed for a while.  Now, I want you to know that none of this is the good part... I'm still not to the part I wanted to share.  The cool part came AFTER i prayed...Isn't that just so typical of God. 

I sat myself back at my desk... opened my Evolve Church app and found this message:

God knew I would not have a good day today and he knew that I would need to hear that it's not about the bad day but how I react to it.  I knew this already but I needed the reminder.  I needed to remember that no matter how bad this day is for me, Jesus gave a beautiful example of how to handle a bad day.  I'm so grateful for the bad day... I really am and I haven't even eaten yet!  I'm grateful to be reminded that God knows my frustrations... He knows my hunger... He knows every detail about me and he knows how it all feels. 

If you haven't heard of Evolve Church and/or haven't downloaded the app, be sure to do it today.  You'll be glad you did! 

Dearest Brother Rick,  Thanks for the "kick in the gut" that felt more like a funny reminder that He goes before me... ALWAYS... every day, he already knows what it holds.  Loved the message and love you and your crew!  Miss you guys and hope to catch you on your next trip to the country!

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