Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Celebrating a life!

Yesterday a young lady had a baby that she'd once planned not to have.  She hadn't planned the baby.  She's only 20 for crying out loud.  If her age and financial status weren't enough, she suffers from a disease that will never leave her and was once considered reason enough to abort.  She knew that she just couldn't handle  it.  There was no one to help.  She was alone.   Her family was not there... and money... she had none.

It's not a unique story.  I'm sure it happens, LITERALLY every single day.  I don't know the statistics on young single women who have nothing and find themselves carrying life inside of them at THE most inopportune time but I've been there and I know countless others that have as well.  This young lady's story ends differently though.  Not by any coincidence she found herself at an event hosted by the Pujols family and it was there that she realized that everything changed. 

She could not... She would not abort her baby.

The cost would be huge.  I don't even mean financially, though that goes without saying.  The lost sleep... the energy... the time... the space...  all things she doesn't have to give and yet, today she holds her daughter in her arms.  Having a baby made no sense at all until Christ stepped in and today her daughter has a chance to change the world because her mother chose to sacrifice for her.  How could she not when she learned the sacrifice that had been made for her...

Today we have an opportunity to bless this young mother.  She is not just a statistic nor is she some nameless face on the streets.  She is real and just like her daughter now has opportunities to change the world, so do we!  We can change the world for this small family of mother and child.  Will you join me?

Please contact me to receive information on how to bless her as she begins this new amazing journey where she knows she is no longer alone!

You can call me at 314-540-4718 or email me at

OR  simply comment below with your email address and I will send the information to you.

Thank you, in advance, for showing love and support to this family!

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand... For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you."  Isaiah 41:10 & 13

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PLEASE send me info on how Austen & I can help her :)